Trouble for the Accessibility Globoli - Issue 8-2024
This is the English Version of a German Newsletter on digital accessibility. Yet I have no plans to contribute an English mail subscription. If you like to subscribe, you can use the subscription form on Silta. Most articles in the Newsletter are in English and you can use automatic Translation for better understanding.Interesting articles
Testing for digital accessibility can be cheaper and at the same time more meaningful, according to a recent article.
Test components instead of websitesIs the current all-or-nothing approach to digital accessibility too strict? This article represents this assessment.
A little accessibility is possibleOverlay providers are increasingly under fire. You may remember: Overlay providers promise that they can automatically make websites accessible with just a few clicks. They are the homeopaths of digital accessibility. What they have in common with them is that their products don't work and they don't like it when someone criticizes them.
- Overlay Company Sued for Breach of Contract, Breach of the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing
- Lawsuit Accuses NASDAQ-listed Overlay company
This page summarizes guidance on designing for neurodiversity.
Designing For Neurodiversity Resources RoundupThere are a number of page builders for WordPress. This Google Sheet summarizes the extent to which they can create accessible websites.
Accessibility WordPress Page BuilderThe WCAG is known to be optimized for web content. There are - little known - instructions for applying it to non-web content as well. These instructions are currently being revised and are expected to be a final draft. Since it is purely informational anyway, there is nothing to stop you from using it now.
Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT)Adobe has apparently improved its automatic cloud-based tagging capabilities for PDF. An assessment can be found in this article.
Evaluating Adobe’s new cloud-based auto-tagging feature for PDF accessibilityGood news of the month
The Indian federal government wants to make its applications and websites more accessible.
Govt Mulls Major Accessibility Upgrades For Its Websites, Digital Apps And ServicesThe city of Boston is changing the way it collects data. Instead of asking about disability, it is asking about the need for special accommodations. Boston is changing how it collects data on disability
mattel offers a blind Barbie.
- Practical HTML, CSS, ARIA, & Javascript Tips for Accessible Mega Menus
- How the European Accessibility Act (EAA) will impact product accessibility
- DIGITAL TRUST INDEX 2024 - The State of Digital Accessibility in Europe
- Guidance: How to select, commission and use disability-smart images
- Peaky WCAG (Level AA) BANG for your APP A11Y BUCK
- How to transform your approach to digital accessibility from a reactive break-fix cycle to a
- Orozco v. Garland Establishes a New Pathway for Challenging Inaccessible Technology Beyond the
- Exploring the challenges in creating an accessible sortable list (drag-and-drop)
- Artificial Intelligence & Automated Hiring Practices
- Custom Accessibility Actions
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web