Think beyond - Newsletter on digital Accessibility 9-2024

Many customers are currently contacting us about the european Accessibility Act, which comes into force on June 28, 2025 and obliges parts of the private sector to make their digital products accessible. While we welcome the fact that many people are now dealing with the issue, we would like to prevent two tendencies: First of all, it does not make sense to do things too quickly now. Nobody will shut down your website on June 30, 2025 because it is not accessible. Anyone who claims that is not serious. On the other hand, we think it is a shame that many customers do not think beyond June 28, 2025. Because accessibility is not built in once and then always stays there. It is better to consider a long-term strategy with a competent partner at your side who will support you.

Interesting articles

A current article deals with the most common errors in native apps.

The most common accessibility problems in native apps

Accessibility isue reports are often extensive. A new article deals with the question of how the problems can be prioritized.

Prioritizing accessibility problems

An article about how people with disabilities can be included in data collection.

Including People With Disabilities in Data Collection

An article about how chatbots can be made more accessible.

Making chatbots accessible: A guide to enhance usability for users with disabilities

A scientific publication deals with the challenges of automated translation from and into sign language.

AI in Deaf Inclusion. Hear us out because we cannot hear you

Good news of the month

Google Maps integrates additional information for wheelchair users.

Google Maps just got a huge accessibility upgrade — what you need to know

Elevenlabs - one of the largest providers of AI voice technologies - wants to offer free services for people with ALS and MND.

Free Voice Clones

A current project wants to pass on sign language in a playful way - article in German.

How Maria Möller uses Talking Hands to transform gestures into flipbooks

A new law requires airports in the USA to provide better support to people with disabilities.

New Law Requires Airlines To Better Assist Travelers With Disabilities

In Tokyo there is a café where paraplegics serve guests via robots.

A Café in Tokyo Where Robots Keep People Connected

Many supermarkets offer special shopping situations with reduced stimulus levels. This is important for people who are quickly overwhelmed by stimuli - article in German.

"Quiet hour" when shopping for people with autism

Further articles

Read the edition of August 2024